I went to a new dr. yesterday who is very familiar w/ MTHFR (which is good...you can read more about that here, if you'd like) and she started me on a new regimen. The good news: I was *totally* on the right track with all of my bp research before I found out about the MTHFR! I had purchased and was taking folic acid, b12, and CoQ10. The bad news? The MTHFR causes me not to process the synthetic forms of these supplements! She rx'd methyl folate (a broken down form of folic acid), methyl b12, and ubiquinol (an advanced form of coq10)! Crazy. She also rx'd b12 *injections*! YIKES! I'm supposed to self-administer them 3x/week. Ha! Those of you who know me know how I am with needles! This Dr. actually has the same MTHFR mutation as me, and she said the oral supplements didn't have a "clinical" affect for her, and that the injections are much better, so... I guess I'll try it! Haven't tried it yet, we'll see if I can do it... Wish me luck!

At 17 1/2 weeks of pregnancy I began to suspect something was wrong. The next day, at my Dr.'s appointment, my worst fears were confirmed. They couldn't find my baby's heartbeat. This was the beginning of a journey that we were NOT expecting. This is an account of my journey, both to help me continue with my life & to remember my little angel, Gabriel. I also hope to be able to give some insight and encouragement to those going through a loss, like others' have helped me!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Ok, so... I haven't blogged in a while. It's been 14 weeks... I miss my baby boy and would give *anything* to have him here with us in January. I've had a hard time sorting my feelings the past few weeks. Mostly, though, because I've been doing pretty well, I guess I just haven't wanted to "stir the pot". The first few weeks & months were definitely comparative to being stuck on an emotional roller coaster (or merry-go-round, tilt-a-whirl...whatever LOL!). After 3 long months, things finally started to even out on that front. I actually feel a bit guilty sometimes because I have been doing so well, but mostly I'm glad. I do often wonder *why* I feel ok, and here's my theory (because I know how everyone loves my theories ;))...
I think I've somehow (by the grace of God, perhaps) found a way to *really* embrace my grief and moved forward. I think of it kind of like getting a stomach bug... You know how you get that feeling, like you're gonna throw up and if you avoid it or try to keep telling yourself "I'm not throwing up, I'm not throwing up..." Which, of course, just makes that horrible, awful sick feeling worse and worse? Then, once you finally do it's such a relief?! That's my analogy for grief. The more you try to suppress it, the worse it gets, and it *will* come out eventually! So sometimes it's just better to get it out! Purge! That's how I am when I'm sick, too. As much as I hate being sick, I hate that almost-sick feeling even worse- I'd rather just upchuck.
So anyway, I do still go back and read old posts, journal entries, and look at pictures. Some people would say it just prolongs the grieving, but I think that's what's helped me in the end. And, really, more than anything it's given me a sense of reassurance. Reassurance that this really happened, that my feelings were/are valid, but mostly, reassurance that I won't forget! A loss like this is not only emotionally taxing, but it changes you. And I've come to accept that.
I think I've somehow (by the grace of God, perhaps) found a way to *really* embrace my grief and moved forward. I think of it kind of like getting a stomach bug... You know how you get that feeling, like you're gonna throw up and if you avoid it or try to keep telling yourself "I'm not throwing up, I'm not throwing up..." Which, of course, just makes that horrible, awful sick feeling worse and worse? Then, once you finally do it's such a relief?! That's my analogy for grief. The more you try to suppress it, the worse it gets, and it *will* come out eventually! So sometimes it's just better to get it out! Purge! That's how I am when I'm sick, too. As much as I hate being sick, I hate that almost-sick feeling even worse- I'd rather just upchuck.
So anyway, I do still go back and read old posts, journal entries, and look at pictures. Some people would say it just prolongs the grieving, but I think that's what's helped me in the end. And, really, more than anything it's given me a sense of reassurance. Reassurance that this really happened, that my feelings were/are valid, but mostly, reassurance that I won't forget! A loss like this is not only emotionally taxing, but it changes you. And I've come to accept that.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Day 29: Healing
If I were to pick one thing that has helped me the most in my healing it would have to be... talking about it. Whether it be with friends in person, via fb, on my blog or in a support group. I have found it amazingly therepudic to say what I needed to say! And, thankfully, I really haven't gotten too much criticism. This Dr. Seuss quote is perfect...
If I were to pick one thing that has helped me the most in my healing it would have to be... talking about it. Whether it be with friends in person, via fb, on my blog or in a support group. I have found it amazingly therepudic to say what I needed to say! And, thankfully, I really haven't gotten too much criticism. This Dr. Seuss quote is perfect...
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Day 28: Special Place #captureyourgrief
Here is my special place for Gabriel as of right now... It's not a lot, just something to recognize that he was here, he existed, and he made an impact!
Here is my special place for Gabriel as of right now... It's not a lot, just something to recognize that he was here, he existed, and he made an impact!
Day 27: Signs #captureyourgrief
"If you believe in life after death do you believe your child has ways of contacting you? Have you had any signs?" This is a tricky one as I do believe in life after death, and I do believe our loved ones can contact us, but I am not convinced they always do. I believe that after this life there is lots to do and that those who pass on are kept quite busy! I think they can "visit" us if there is need, though. I'm not sure I've received any signs from Gabriel, but I believe I have been sent signs from my Heavenly Father... That Gabriel's ok, that I'll be ok, that somehow, someway, everything will eventually be ok. Really, I can't think of many specific signs, just more of a peaceful feeling in my heart, especially when reading scripture or pondering the eternal nature of Families or when I visit the Temple (a special place of worship in our church).
"If you believe in life after death do you believe your child has ways of contacting you? Have you had any signs?" This is a tricky one as I do believe in life after death, and I do believe our loved ones can contact us, but I am not convinced they always do. I believe that after this life there is lots to do and that those who pass on are kept quite busy! I think they can "visit" us if there is need, though. I'm not sure I've received any signs from Gabriel, but I believe I have been sent signs from my Heavenly Father... That Gabriel's ok, that I'll be ok, that somehow, someway, everything will eventually be ok. Really, I can't think of many specific signs, just more of a peaceful feeling in my heart, especially when reading scripture or pondering the eternal nature of Families or when I visit the Temple (a special place of worship in our church).
Day 25: Say it out loud. #captureyourgrief
Ok... Playing catch-up! "If you could say anything out loud about your journey with grief with the death or your baby, what would it be? What do you want the world to know? Is there a cause that touches your heart that you want to raise awareness for?" Ummmm... SO MUCH! There's no way I could include all I'd want to say in one post! But more than ANYTHING else: Gabriel wasn't just a "miscarriage", "pregnancy loss", or a case of "fetal demise". He was, and is, my child and he took a little piece of my heart with him when he left us...
Ok... Playing catch-up! "If you could say anything out loud about your journey with grief with the death or your baby, what would it be? What do you want the world to know? Is there a cause that touches your heart that you want to raise awareness for?" Ummmm... SO MUCH! There's no way I could include all I'd want to say in one post! But more than ANYTHING else: Gabriel wasn't just a "miscarriage", "pregnancy loss", or a case of "fetal demise". He was, and is, my child and he took a little piece of my heart with him when he left us...
Friday, October 25, 2013
Day 24: Artwork #captureyourgrief
I've seen so many beautiful, inspiring pieces of artwork since my loss. However, I chose a drawing my 6 yr old did for me in my birthday card (4 weeks after we lost Gabriel). Over the picture he wrote "I love you Sory a lot the baby dide". Interesting and sweet how Gabriel's death affected him...
I've seen so many beautiful, inspiring pieces of artwork since my loss. However, I chose a drawing my 6 yr old did for me in my birthday card (4 weeks after we lost Gabriel). Over the picture he wrote "I love you Sory a lot the baby dide". Interesting and sweet how Gabriel's death affected him...
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Day 23: Jewelry #captureyourgrief
So, I've totally been neglecting my blog for the past week for several reasons... First of all it's been really busy around here. I've also thrown myself head first into researching this MTHFR gene mutation that I have (you can read about that here, if you haven't already). Next the topics this week were kinda tricky and many were things I haven't quite delved into... After all it's only been two months (which sometimes feels like just yesterday and sometimes feels like a LIFETIME ago)! And lastly I've just been in a place where I felt like I needed a break... from talking about it... Well, anyway, I'm back, and today's (actually yesterday's, but that's where I'm starting) picture/ theme is "Do you have a piece of jewellery in memory of your baby? Or maybe a tattoo?" Well, the answer is Yes, I do. It's not much, and I have some other things in mind that I'd like to get, but for now I have a simple but beautiful necklace that I got from an organization called August Wings. It's a broken heart and has Gabriel's name stamped into it. Kinda symbolic, don't ya think? I wear it all the time. While it's by far not a good substitute for having him, it is something I can have with me even though he isn't.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Day 17: Time #captureyourgrief
As of now it's been 8 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, and 20 minutes since Gabriel's birth. Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday, other times it feels like a lifetime ago! I've been doing pretty well overall, but the pain still comes and goes. Sometimes I wonder how long that will last...
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Day 15: Wave of Light #captureyourgrief
Wave of light-
Not a lot to say today... It's national Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day so we were to light a candle at 7:00 p.m. and leave it burning for 1 hour to keep a wave of light going around the world for all the angel babies lost to us here on Earth. My candle burned bright for my very own angel.
Not a lot to say today... It's national Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day so we were to light a candle at 7:00 p.m. and leave it burning for 1 hour to keep a wave of light going around the world for all the angel babies lost to us here on Earth. My candle burned bright for my very own angel.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Day 14: Family #captureyourgrief
You may or may not have noticed, but I skipped yesterday. It was supposed to be a book that has helped me along this journey of grief, but I couldn't think of anything I could share that fit that category, so I skipped it. Today is family. I have a husband who, despite any flaws, always steps up and comes through for me for the big stuff. Because we were sealed for time & all eternity I know our family can be together forever. I currently have three beautiful children whom I now wonder how I had without problems! They are 8, 6 & 4 and I don't tell them enough how proud of them I am. And now I have an angel baby who may not be visible in our family portraits, but will always be part of our family. I also have countless extended family without whom I wouldn't be who I am.
You may or may not have noticed, but I skipped yesterday. It was supposed to be a book that has helped me along this journey of grief, but I couldn't think of anything I could share that fit that category, so I skipped it. Today is family. I have a husband who, despite any flaws, always steps up and comes through for me for the big stuff. Because we were sealed for time & all eternity I know our family can be together forever. I currently have three beautiful children whom I now wonder how I had without problems! They are 8, 6 & 4 and I don't tell them enough how proud of them I am. And now I have an angel baby who may not be visible in our family portraits, but will always be part of our family. I also have countless extended family without whom I wouldn't be who I am.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Day 12: Article #captureyourgrief
I have read countless articles about miscarriage, causes, coping with miscarriage, talking about it and more! I'm not sure how to even go about picking one, but I knew right away it had to be something from "Lost Innocents", a site I came across many months ago... Long before I could have possibly known what was going to happen. Matushka Anna (who's site this is) does a lovely job of being direct and to the point, but still gentle. She and I differ slightly in our faith, but I haven't found that to matter much in my reading. I am one who likes to have as much information as possible to feel at least semi in control of a situation and she gives a lot of good information. I really felt like happening upon her blog before I needed it was yet another way the Lord was gently preparing me for what was to come. I love that she incorporates actual pictures and actual stories. Here is a great post/article about picking up the pieces after a loss. She covered all the big things that had crossed my mind after I lost Gabriel and she did it with a grace and gentleness I so appreciated.
I have read countless articles about miscarriage, causes, coping with miscarriage, talking about it and more! I'm not sure how to even go about picking one, but I knew right away it had to be something from "Lost Innocents", a site I came across many months ago... Long before I could have possibly known what was going to happen. Matushka Anna (who's site this is) does a lovely job of being direct and to the point, but still gentle. She and I differ slightly in our faith, but I haven't found that to matter much in my reading. I am one who likes to have as much information as possible to feel at least semi in control of a situation and she gives a lot of good information. I really felt like happening upon her blog before I needed it was yet another way the Lord was gently preparing me for what was to come. I love that she incorporates actual pictures and actual stories. Here is a great post/article about picking up the pieces after a loss. She covered all the big things that had crossed my mind after I lost Gabriel and she did it with a grace and gentleness I so appreciated.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Day 11: Triggers #captureyourgrief
I almost switched today's topic out for another because the things that trigger my emotions are often completely unpredictable still! There are days when almost everything set me off, and other days when I can handle it all with a smile. I haven't figured out how to predict, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to! There are things that are always triggers, it's just a matter of how strongly I react on any given moment. Sometimes it's little random things that set me off like a cute shirt I'd pinned on Pinterest that I was planning on making for Halloween. There are certain songs that always bring me to tears, but sometimes even a random song on the radio reminds me of Gabriel and sets me off without warning. Pregnant ladies and newborns don't generally bother me like you may expect with one exception. I have a very dear friend who is due within days of Gabriel's due date and that is still really hard for me to face. (If she's reading this she'll know I'm referring to her and I hope that she understands it's not her, just the situation!) I'm not angry or bitter at all, it's just a hard situation. Sometimes looking through my pictures of Gabriel is a trigger, but sometimes it's a great comfort! Coming across cute maternity clothes at the store is especially difficult at times. I was right at the stage in pregnancy where I was really enjoying being pregnant, so reminders of pregnancy are often harder for me right now than baby things. I'm sure that will evolve as time passes. Oh! I almost forgot to mention the lab results I got back this week. Finding out I have a gene mutation that likely cost my baby's life has been hard on me! (You can read more about that here) I know it's not my fault, but it's impossible not to wonder if I could have prevented this. The biggest trigger of all lately, though, has been quiet time, especially lying in bed at night! Being left to my own thoughts is tricky these days... There are many, many more, but it's so unpredictable I couldn't even begin to guess at some of them! However, like I said, a lot of times I'm perfectly ok with the things I've mentioned! Funny thing, grief is!
I almost switched today's topic out for another because the things that trigger my emotions are often completely unpredictable still! There are days when almost everything set me off, and other days when I can handle it all with a smile. I haven't figured out how to predict, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to! There are things that are always triggers, it's just a matter of how strongly I react on any given moment. Sometimes it's little random things that set me off like a cute shirt I'd pinned on Pinterest that I was planning on making for Halloween. There are certain songs that always bring me to tears, but sometimes even a random song on the radio reminds me of Gabriel and sets me off without warning. Pregnant ladies and newborns don't generally bother me like you may expect with one exception. I have a very dear friend who is due within days of Gabriel's due date and that is still really hard for me to face. (If she's reading this she'll know I'm referring to her and I hope that she understands it's not her, just the situation!) I'm not angry or bitter at all, it's just a hard situation. Sometimes looking through my pictures of Gabriel is a trigger, but sometimes it's a great comfort! Coming across cute maternity clothes at the store is especially difficult at times. I was right at the stage in pregnancy where I was really enjoying being pregnant, so reminders of pregnancy are often harder for me right now than baby things. I'm sure that will evolve as time passes. Oh! I almost forgot to mention the lab results I got back this week. Finding out I have a gene mutation that likely cost my baby's life has been hard on me! (You can read more about that here) I know it's not my fault, but it's impossible not to wonder if I could have prevented this. The biggest trigger of all lately, though, has been quiet time, especially lying in bed at night! Being left to my own thoughts is tricky these days... There are many, many more, but it's so unpredictable I couldn't even begin to guess at some of them! However, like I said, a lot of times I'm perfectly ok with the things I've mentioned! Funny thing, grief is!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Day 10: Beliefs #captureyourgrief
Oh my! I don't think one post & picture could ever be enough to cover my beliefs! I will say that this is an important one for me, as I have relied heavily on my faith and beliefs through this period! I can't really say why, but this experience hasn't made me question my faith, if anything it has strengthened it. There's a lot to say on this subject, but I'm going to try to keep this fairly succinct...
I believe that we existed as spirits before this life, and that a large part of why we were sent here to Earth is to recieve a physical body, and to learn the lessons necessary to return home. I believe some spirits have been faithful enough that they need only to come long enough to recieve their body and can return without any further trial. I've heard some say that there can't possibly be a reason for one's child to be taken from them, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. We may or may not ever know why things happen the way they do, but I do NOT believe that we're left to be tossed in the wind or left in the hands of fate. I believe in a kind, loving, omnipotent Father in Heaven. I believe that He allows trials and hard times to happen to us to teach us lessons we need to learn and proves our faithfulness, the "refiner's fire", but I don't believe God causes these trials to come upon us to punish us, nor wishes them upon us. I think He hurts and grieves right alongside us in times of sorrow. I know from my own experiences that He will always be there to comfort us if we reach out to Him. I believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior and has provided us a way to return to Him again! I believe there is life after death and that families can be together forever! I believe that we can speak to our Father in Heaven through prayer and that He will answer! Do I know for certain I will see Gabriel again? If I were to be completely honest I would have to say no, as miscarriage is a "gray area"- BUT I have hope that I will because families are forever! More than anything else, I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and a Savior who understands my heartache! I know He will never leave me comfortless! President Thomas S. Monson (the President of our church and our Prophet) said in a recent address "Only the Master knows the depths of our trials, our pain, and our suffering. He alone offers us eternal peace in times of adversity. He alone touches our tortured souls with His comforting words: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Oh my! I don't think one post & picture could ever be enough to cover my beliefs! I will say that this is an important one for me, as I have relied heavily on my faith and beliefs through this period! I can't really say why, but this experience hasn't made me question my faith, if anything it has strengthened it. There's a lot to say on this subject, but I'm going to try to keep this fairly succinct...
I believe that we existed as spirits before this life, and that a large part of why we were sent here to Earth is to recieve a physical body, and to learn the lessons necessary to return home. I believe some spirits have been faithful enough that they need only to come long enough to recieve their body and can return without any further trial. I've heard some say that there can't possibly be a reason for one's child to be taken from them, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. We may or may not ever know why things happen the way they do, but I do NOT believe that we're left to be tossed in the wind or left in the hands of fate. I believe in a kind, loving, omnipotent Father in Heaven. I believe that He allows trials and hard times to happen to us to teach us lessons we need to learn and proves our faithfulness, the "refiner's fire", but I don't believe God causes these trials to come upon us to punish us, nor wishes them upon us. I think He hurts and grieves right alongside us in times of sorrow. I know from my own experiences that He will always be there to comfort us if we reach out to Him. I believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior and has provided us a way to return to Him again! I believe there is life after death and that families can be together forever! I believe that we can speak to our Father in Heaven through prayer and that He will answer! Do I know for certain I will see Gabriel again? If I were to be completely honest I would have to say no, as miscarriage is a "gray area"- BUT I have hope that I will because families are forever! More than anything else, I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and a Savior who understands my heartache! I know He will never leave me comfortless! President Thomas S. Monson (the President of our church and our Prophet) said in a recent address "Only the Master knows the depths of our trials, our pain, and our suffering. He alone offers us eternal peace in times of adversity. He alone touches our tortured souls with His comforting words: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
(Angel Moroni atop the LDS Temple in Atlanta, GA)
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Day 9: Music #captureyourgrief
Today I'm supposed to chose a song / music that reminds me of Gabriel. There are several songs that I've really grown to love, but two that stand out in my mind. The funny thing is, I don't think they could be any more different! The first one is "He'll Carry You" by Hilary Weeks. It more relates to my whole experience than Gabriel specifically, but I really, REALLY love it.
The other is "Slipped Away" by Avril Lavigne. I know, right? A strange mashup for sure! What can I say, I have eclectic taste in music ;) I'm not sure how this song was intended, but it really fits.
Today I'm supposed to chose a song / music that reminds me of Gabriel. There are several songs that I've really grown to love, but two that stand out in my mind. The funny thing is, I don't think they could be any more different! The first one is "He'll Carry You" by Hilary Weeks. It more relates to my whole experience than Gabriel specifically, but I really, REALLY love it.
The other is "Slipped Away" by Avril Lavigne. I know, right? A strange mashup for sure! What can I say, I have eclectic taste in music ;) I'm not sure how this song was intended, but it really fits.
Day 8: Color #captureyourgrief
Oops! Got my daily post written and fell asleep without posting it! Ummmm... What color would I say represents Gabriel? I guess that would probably be blue. Sky blue...and white. I wouldn't say I have a particular liking to blue, but it just seems to fit since he's forever my baby boy. More than just the color blue, though, I've been especially drawn to the blue sky. I've found myself noticing and taking pictures of the sky more often than before. Perhaps in hopes that he's up there watching over me, I don't know. White reminds me of purity. Of Angels. Blue & white both make me think of eternity, of the heavens. Blue is a soft, calm, peaceful color, and white is simple and pure and bright. So, blue & white it is. :)
Oops! Got my daily post written and fell asleep without posting it! Ummmm... What color would I say represents Gabriel? I guess that would probably be blue. Sky blue...and white. I wouldn't say I have a particular liking to blue, but it just seems to fit since he's forever my baby boy. More than just the color blue, though, I've been especially drawn to the blue sky. I've found myself noticing and taking pictures of the sky more often than before. Perhaps in hopes that he's up there watching over me, I don't know. White reminds me of purity. Of Angels. Blue & white both make me think of eternity, of the heavens. Blue is a soft, calm, peaceful color, and white is simple and pure and bright. So, blue & white it is. :)
Monday, October 7, 2013
Day 7: Me Now #captureyourgrief
Oooooohhhhh... Another hard one! The topic is actually "You now" and it said "Where are you in your grief right now? How are you feeling? How far have you come? Are you wrestling with anything? Is your heart heavier or lighter now?" How do I answer this?!? It's only been less than 2 months... Well, the best way to describe me now is that most of the time I'm ok, just sometimes I'm not. For it only to have only been a little over 7 weeks I think I'm doing alright! I still have my moments. The first week or two were pretty rough. I cried a LOT. Since then, those moments seem to be getting fewer and farther between, but they're still there. For example, I lay in my bed and cried last night. DH happened to still be awake and was a little surprised. It wasn't the first time I'd lay there crying, but I guess it was the first time he was still awake. He kept asking me what happened and what was wrong, but there really wasn't anything in particular. It's those quiet moments when my mind starts reeling that really present a problem for me. It's aggravating to randomly feel like crying. It sucks to think about what I've lost. It's frustrating knowing that people are starting to forget what I've been through. But like I said, these moments don't happen quite as frequently now. I don't necessarily hide my grief, but it has gotten easier and easier "put on" my happy face and push aside my sorrow when I need to. It's a delicate balance, but the scales are usually tipped toward 'happy' ;)
Oooooohhhhh... Another hard one! The topic is actually "You now" and it said "Where are you in your grief right now? How are you feeling? How far have you come? Are you wrestling with anything? Is your heart heavier or lighter now?" How do I answer this?!? It's only been less than 2 months... Well, the best way to describe me now is that most of the time I'm ok, just sometimes I'm not. For it only to have only been a little over 7 weeks I think I'm doing alright! I still have my moments. The first week or two were pretty rough. I cried a LOT. Since then, those moments seem to be getting fewer and farther between, but they're still there. For example, I lay in my bed and cried last night. DH happened to still be awake and was a little surprised. It wasn't the first time I'd lay there crying, but I guess it was the first time he was still awake. He kept asking me what happened and what was wrong, but there really wasn't anything in particular. It's those quiet moments when my mind starts reeling that really present a problem for me. It's aggravating to randomly feel like crying. It sucks to think about what I've lost. It's frustrating knowing that people are starting to forget what I've been through. But like I said, these moments don't happen quite as frequently now. I don't necessarily hide my grief, but it has gotten easier and easier "put on" my happy face and push aside my sorrow when I need to. It's a delicate balance, but the scales are usually tipped toward 'happy' ;)
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Day 6: Ritual #captureyourgrief
Today's topic for our daily photo is a ritual that helps you get through the day. I don't have any specific rituals, per say, but the thing that has helped me the most to get through day to day is gratitude. As trite and holier-than-thou as that may sound, looking for things to be thankful for is what has helped me the most. Finding the silver lining (so to speak), counting my blessings! By doing this on particularly bad days I've been able to stay positive enough to keep from sinking too low in my grief. However, there really have been so many things to be thankful for (which I touched on here). I really do believe this statement... There is always, always, ALWAYS something to be grateful for!
Today's topic for our daily photo is a ritual that helps you get through the day. I don't have any specific rituals, per say, but the thing that has helped me the most to get through day to day is gratitude. As trite and holier-than-thou as that may sound, looking for things to be thankful for is what has helped me the most. Finding the silver lining (so to speak), counting my blessings! By doing this on particularly bad days I've been able to stay positive enough to keep from sinking too low in my grief. However, there really have been so many things to be thankful for (which I touched on here). I really do believe this statement... There is always, always, ALWAYS something to be grateful for!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Day 5: Memory #captureyourgrief
I think what really stands out in my mind when I think back on my short time with Gabriel is the day I found out I was pregnant. It was the Thursday before Mother's Day. I had taken a test the Friday before and the week before that, and they had both been negative. At that point, I was almost 7 weeks out from my last period. I'd developed hypertension during my last pregnancy (4 years ago) and along with that had had pretty irregular cycles, so I was pretty convinced that I needed to have some hormonal tests run to see if I had developed some sort of imbalance. However, I decided to try once more (just in case) before I went and made a fool of myself. Well, you could imagine my surprise when that second blue line appeared almost immediately! It was a pretty awesome Mother's Day treat, to say the least. :)
I think what really stands out in my mind when I think back on my short time with Gabriel is the day I found out I was pregnant. It was the Thursday before Mother's Day. I had taken a test the Friday before and the week before that, and they had both been negative. At that point, I was almost 7 weeks out from my last period. I'd developed hypertension during my last pregnancy (4 years ago) and along with that had had pretty irregular cycles, so I was pretty convinced that I needed to have some hormonal tests run to see if I had developed some sort of imbalance. However, I decided to try once more (just in case) before I went and made a fool of myself. Well, you could imagine my surprise when that second blue line appeared almost immediately! It was a pretty awesome Mother's Day treat, to say the least. :)
Friday, October 4, 2013
Day 4: Legacy #captureyourgrief
I started by asking myself what, exactly, is a legacy? So, I looked around online and found this:
"Often when you think about legacy, it’s something that is left behind after a person has passed... The requirements of a legacy are that you embrace your uniqueness...so that your gift will be to all and...will have a life beyond that of you, its creator, outliving and outlasting your time on earth."
Hmmmmm... But how can someone who's life had barely begun possibly leave a legacy?? Well, I think the best way to define Gabriel's legacy is to go the route of how, in his very short time with us, he changed my life. For starters, I cry more. I'm not sure how long that will last, but I suspect it's just a new personality trait. I now live in a new reality where life is a little more fragile and a piece of me is missing. There are little reminders of what I lost everywhere, and I wear my heart on my sleeve! Now that the sad stuff has been said, there is a lot of good that Gabriel left behind, too! From this experience I have learned to more fully trust in the Lord and His plan for me! I am more convinced than ever that He will not allow more hardship than I can handle. I also know that, if we will allow it, He will be right there by our side in every step of our trials. I know now not to take for granted that things will go as they should, because you never know! What happened with Gabriel has inspired me to get healthier, to try a little harder in everything I do, and to love the ones I love just a little more! Hopefully the good stuff lasts as long as the sad. ;)
I started by asking myself what, exactly, is a legacy? So, I looked around online and found this:
"Often when you think about legacy, it’s something that is left behind after a person has passed... The requirements of a legacy are that you embrace your uniqueness...so that your gift will be to all and...will have a life beyond that of you, its creator, outliving and outlasting your time on earth."
P.S. I really hope to be able to make some sort of memory box, keepsake, blankets... I don't know, something...to donate to local hospitals or other bereaved parents, I just haven't gotten that far yet ;). One day...
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Day 3: Myth #captureyourgrief
So today we're supposed to photograph a myth about grief, so here it is:
So today we're supposed to photograph a myth about grief, so here it is:
At least.... That's what I believe...
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Day 2: Identity #captureyourgrief
This is a hard one! Who is/was Gabriel is a hard question to answer, let alone photograph! I guess I'll start by trying to define who Gabriel is/was... He's a brother, a son, a nephew, a grandson. Gabriel is a Child of God! Mostly, though, he is my baby boy and I love him and miss him immensely! He wouldn't even have been born yet, but he's been gone for 7 weeks already. We really don't know much about Gabriel... I often wonder what he would have looked like full term. What color would his eyes have been? Would he have had straight hair like his big sister and oldest brother, or curly hair like his younger big brother? Would he have been taller, shorter, more animated or subdued? So many questions we have to wait to find out the answers to!!
Because he was born before 20 weeks, there was no birth or death certificate for Gabriel, but we felt it was important to name him anyway. Gabriel, as most of you know, is one of the only angels named in the Bible. We found this fitting. His name means "God is my strength." We thought that was appropriate because this has been such a difficult experience for us, and I know that whatever strength I have received to endure and keep going has, indeed, come from my Heavenly Father. I was going to simply post a picture of the 'Birth Certificate' that I created for Gabriel, but I came across this "kanji name meaning" image and thought it was applicable.
Summer- My pregnancy with Gabriel was May-August. His whole life here was the summer of 2013.
Warrior- I feel like in a way I have become a warrior, like so many other BLM's (baby loss moms), fighting the injustice of our lost babies' lives barely begun and so easily forgotten.
Reason- I truly do believe there's a reason for everything that happens to us in this life!
Blessing- Gabriel was, without a doubt, a huge blessing in my life. Of course I wish things had turned out differently, but I've learned a lot about myself and my faith through this experience that I don't think I would have otherwise.
Flow- Joy & sorrow, gratitude & heartbreak, comfort & pain... They all flow together as part of life. You can't have the good without the bad!
This is a hard one! Who is/was Gabriel is a hard question to answer, let alone photograph! I guess I'll start by trying to define who Gabriel is/was... He's a brother, a son, a nephew, a grandson. Gabriel is a Child of God! Mostly, though, he is my baby boy and I love him and miss him immensely! He wouldn't even have been born yet, but he's been gone for 7 weeks already. We really don't know much about Gabriel... I often wonder what he would have looked like full term. What color would his eyes have been? Would he have had straight hair like his big sister and oldest brother, or curly hair like his younger big brother? Would he have been taller, shorter, more animated or subdued? So many questions we have to wait to find out the answers to!!
Because he was born before 20 weeks, there was no birth or death certificate for Gabriel, but we felt it was important to name him anyway. Gabriel, as most of you know, is one of the only angels named in the Bible. We found this fitting. His name means "God is my strength." We thought that was appropriate because this has been such a difficult experience for us, and I know that whatever strength I have received to endure and keep going has, indeed, come from my Heavenly Father. I was going to simply post a picture of the 'Birth Certificate' that I created for Gabriel, but I came across this "kanji name meaning" image and thought it was applicable.
Summer- My pregnancy with Gabriel was May-August. His whole life here was the summer of 2013.
Warrior- I feel like in a way I have become a warrior, like so many other BLM's (baby loss moms), fighting the injustice of our lost babies' lives barely begun and so easily forgotten.
Reason- I truly do believe there's a reason for everything that happens to us in this life!
Blessing- Gabriel was, without a doubt, a huge blessing in my life. Of course I wish things had turned out differently, but I've learned a lot about myself and my faith through this experience that I don't think I would have otherwise.
Flow- Joy & sorrow, gratitude & heartbreak, comfort & pain... They all flow together as part of life. You can't have the good without the bad!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Day 1: Sunrise #captureyourgrief
I couldn't get a good picture of the sunrise due to all the trees by our house, so I found one I like taken at our very own Pensacola Beach and added the quote...
I couldn't get a good picture of the sunrise due to all the trees by our house, so I found one I like taken at our very own Pensacola Beach and added the quote...
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month
Today is the first day of October, the month declared by President Ronald Reagan to be Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. Didn't know that? Don't worry, I didn't either...until it happened to me. I was blissfully unaware until I was thrown head first into this new reality where your baby doesn't always make it to full term, and when they do they're not always healthy enough to survive. The numbers aren't clear when you look at statistics, but it's estimated that as many as 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage or stillbirth! That means there's approximately one baby lost to every three born alive. It also means that in a circle of 40 friends, it's likely that as many as 10 of them have experienced this type of loss at some point in their lives, and often you may not even know it!
President Reagan stated “When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn’t a word to describe them. This month recognizes the loss so many parents experience across the United States and around the world. It is also meant to inform and provide resources for parents who have lost children due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, stillbirths, birth defects, SIDS, and other causes.” There really isn't a word to to describe the unspoken heartache of losing a child, especially one that nobody else really knew existed.
Several years after "Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month" was established a day, October 15th, was designated as "Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day" and now is recognized in all 50 States! On this day at 7:00 (in your respective time) zones there will be a "Wave of light" where any who would like to participate will light a candle in honor of these babies who have died before or shortly after birth. If you feel inspired to participate, please do!
I know this has turned into a looooooong post, but there's just one more thing. I have decided to participate in a month-long photo project called "Capture Your Grief" (more information can be found here). Each day there is a subject given to photograph and share. I've chosen to participate by using those pictures/subjects here, on my blog. So, yes, that means I should have a post every day this month. Feel free to follow along... or don't... Your choice. ;)
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Little things...
Amazing how sometimes the little things can get to ya... Like apple seeds! I was cutting up my nighttime snack, an apple, and a seed fell out. Doesn't seem like anything significant but when I found out I was pregnant I started tracking the baby's size as compared to fruits/ veggies. I'm sure you've seen that... Seeds, berries, lime, orange, etc... Well, when I first started around 5 weeks he was about the size of an apple seed.
I pulled a seed out of an apple so I'd have something tangible to compare to :). I "watched" as he grew to the size of a sweet pea, blueberry, then a raspberry! I saw his growth reach the size of a lime and then an orange, then an avacado! By the time we learned of his passing he had grown to the approximate size of a sweet potato!
From an apple seed to a sweet potato in a matter of 3 short months! INCREDIBLE! And had he lived, he would've tripled in length and gained a whopping 25 times his weight in the next 5 1/2 months!! The heartbreak of losing him hasn't diminished in any way the miracle of it all. It never ceases to amaze me!
I pulled a seed out of an apple so I'd have something tangible to compare to :). I "watched" as he grew to the size of a sweet pea, blueberry, then a raspberry! I saw his growth reach the size of a lime and then an orange, then an avacado! By the time we learned of his passing he had grown to the approximate size of a sweet potato!
From an apple seed to a sweet potato in a matter of 3 short months! INCREDIBLE! And had he lived, he would've tripled in length and gained a whopping 25 times his weight in the next 5 1/2 months!! The heartbreak of losing him hasn't diminished in any way the miracle of it all. It never ceases to amaze me!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
My necklace
It's been several days since I last posted, and I feel terribly guilty about it! I know I shouldn't... I've been keeping busy and I intended all along to taper off my blogging so it wasn't everyday. But I'm still feeling reluctant to let go in any way of my boy. There have been many moments where I just wish I could hold him again, touch him, know that he's real! I will never forget him, but I feel like I'm already forgetting things about him and it's only been almost 6 weeks. SIX weeks?! It seems like the past 6 weeks have been a lifetime, and yet gone in a moment! Well, there I go rambling again! The reason I started to write was to show you a lovely gift I got in the mail today!
Isn't that neat! I came across this organization a couple of weeks ago called August Wings. Along with selling hand stamped jewelry, they provide necklaces, free of charge, to bereaved parents. One side is for you to wear, and the other is to put with your baby or in your memory box (as I have). I think this is a wonderful idea! I am currently exploring the art of hand stamped jewelry myself, and hope to be able to do something similar in the future. You can find the link to their site here under "Memorial & Remembrance Items" Thank you, August Wings! I love it!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Happy International Bereaved Father's Day
Today is apparently International Bereaved Father's Day. Not something I would have known before I became a member of the pregnancy & babyloss community. In so many ways I wish I was still blissfully ignorant of these days... Anyway, I'm rambling. I found another poem just yesterday that is just perfect for the occasion:
"A Father's Grief"
It must be very difficult
To be a man in grief,
Since "men don't cry"
and "men are strong"
No tears can bring relief.
It must be very difficult
To stand up to the test,
And field the calls and visitors
So she can get some rest.
They always ask if she's alright
And what she's going through.
But seldom take his hand and ask,
"My friend, but how are you?"
He hears her crying in the night
And thinks his heart will break.
He dries her tears and comforts her,
But stays strong for her sake.
It must be very difficult
To start each day anew.
And try to be so brave because
He lost his baby too.
Author Unknown
I really haven't taken enough time to say "Thank you" to my hubby after all of this. We've had our fair share of rough patches in our 9 1/2 years of marriage, but I don't know if I would've survived (especially those first couple weeks) without his support. So... Thanks babe. And Happy International Bereaved Father's Day to all greiving fathers out there.
"A Father's Grief"
It must be very difficult
To be a man in grief,
Since "men don't cry"
and "men are strong"
No tears can bring relief.
It must be very difficult
To stand up to the test,
And field the calls and visitors
So she can get some rest.
They always ask if she's alright
And what she's going through.
But seldom take his hand and ask,
"My friend, but how are you?"
He hears her crying in the night
And thinks his heart will break.
He dries her tears and comforts her,
But stays strong for her sake.
It must be very difficult
To start each day anew.
And try to be so brave because
He lost his baby too.
Author Unknown
I really haven't taken enough time to say "Thank you" to my hubby after all of this. We've had our fair share of rough patches in our 9 1/2 years of marriage, but I don't know if I would've survived (especially those first couple weeks) without his support. So... Thanks babe. And Happy International Bereaved Father's Day to all greiving fathers out there.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
It's not their fault...
This afternoon I went to visit a friend in the hospital who just had her baby. I've come across so many people (through online support groups and such) who, after losing their own baby, felt angry and resentful of others who announced pregnancy and had healthy babies. Personally, I haven't felt that way, but so many have expressed these same feelings that I wondered if maybe that part of my grieving process just hadn't struck yet! There was a small part of me that was a little afraid that going to visit would be like rubbing salt in an all-too-raw wound. I envisioned myself suddenly losing control of my emotions and having to leave the room or something! I worried that, though I'd run through it in my mind, all those feelings (that sit so close to the surface all the time lately) would come rushing back on knock me on my behind... metaphorically speaking ;). However, the bigger part of me, that wanted to face that fear and go see that sweet boy (and his mommy, of course ;)), won out and so I went. I felt good about it, but even in the elevator on my way up, gift in hand, I questioned again in my mind whether this was a bad idea. Well, long story short, it wasn't (a bad idea, that is ;) ). If anything, it was good for my heart! I would never belittle the way others grieve and learn to cope with their own losses, but for me I don't feel like I should harbor ill feelings toward others who haven't suffered this kind of loss. It's not their fault Gabriel didn't live... As a matter of fact, it's really not anyone's fault! Now, that's not to say there aren't some people or situations that are harder for me to deal with, but even then, my loss is my cross to bear, and it shouldn't affect my relationships because of someone else's situation. I would never wish for anyone to go through this, so I can't help but hope for only positive outcomes from others' (especially my friends') pregnancies. While I still grieve daily for my own loss, I am so happy and relieved when a baby is born healthy and strong. Hopefully I'll be able to experience that again, and if I do I know I'll have a whole new appreciation for the miracle of life! I will never again take a healthy pregnancy for granted.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I do have good days! :)
Today has been a pretty good day, so I though I'd post from that angle. I figure anyone reading this should know that not all my days are bad... I do have good days ;). In all actuality (not counting that first week +) I'd say I have more good moments than bad and the scale is slowly beginning to tip even farther that direction... Most of what I post on here is about my bad days and learning to cope, because that's what I started this blog specifically for! I just really don't want you to think I walk around sad and miserable all the time... Because I don't! Matter of fact, if you were to randomly meet me on any given day you'd probably never guess what I've been going through. More than likely you'd assume I was a fairly happy person. Tired, maybe, but generally pleasant. Now, there have been some moments (occasionally days) that I've had a really hard time getting out of my 'funk'. But those are times when I'll semi-isolate myself so I don't have to pretend. I really don't like pretending things are ok when they're not, so on those days I try to stick around my house, maybe I'll find things to keep busy to distract myself, and often that's when I'll write down my feelings here or elsewhere as a release. At first I was kind of afraid to continue my daily life and not feel sad because I thought I would- on some level- forget what happened. Even worse, I was afraid I would forget my angel! As I've read and talked to others who have been through similar experiences I've become much more confident that that won't, no, that that CAN'T happen! This realization (along with many other coping techniques) has helped me to recognize that holding on to the sadness, the pain, won't do anything but hurt me more. Of course that's not to say it doesn't still hit me sometimes, HARD, but I know that I don't need to be miserable all the time to remember Gabriel. In the long run, I would much rather remember whatever happy parts of this experience I've had more than only remembering the hurt.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Ten points I wish every person knew about the death of a Child
I already did a post today, but I saw this article posted on FB and I just had to share it, because it kinda goes along with what I posted earlier. I realize my baby was not living with us before he died, nor was he even full-term, and I acknowledge that there is a bit of a difference. I don't know for certain how different, because I have not had to go through the trauma of losing a child after birth (and I PRAY I never do!). That said, though, Gabriel is still my child and we did still lose him, so I can relate to many things in this article. Please take a moment to read this article, and think about it. One of the things that has been most poignant to me through this experience is just HOW MANY women/couples have gone through this! So you just never know what sorrow may be lying just below the surface... So be kind!
Here is the article:
Here is the article:
The Reunion
The past few days have been hard. Not sure why, but they have. I don't think anything's been different! Well, whatever... It is what it is! I found this poem yesterday (I know, right? Another poem?! Well, what can I say... there are a bunch of 'em out there!) Anyway, I really like it. Since there's no credited author I took some liberty and changed a few of the words.
I can't even begin to tell you how much hope I have looking forward to that day when I get to see my baby again!!
Until then... XOXO to you, my sweet Gabriel!
The Reunion
Since Heaven has become your home
I sometimes feel I'm so alone,
And though I know we're not far apart
You hold a sliver of my heart.
I never knew how much I'd grieve
When it was time for you to leave
Or just how much my heart would ache
From that small fragment you would take!
God lets this tender hole remain
Reminding me well meet again,
And when we do my pain will cease
For He'll restore that missing piece!
He'll turn to joy my every tear
The day I hold you oh, so near!
Then together, forever we will stay
Beginning on that Reunion Day!
Until then... XOXO to you, my sweet Gabriel!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Why are you crying, Mommy?
Today I was sitting there reading an article online about fathers & miscarriage and something in it hit a chord with me, and the tears started flowing (yet again...). My 6 yr old stopped in his tracks and asked me why I was crying. I told him I read something that made me sad, and left it at that. It's hard to explain to kids why you're sad. While I don't try to hide my grief from them, I don't want them to worry, either. I'm not always sad... Promise! Most of the time when they ask questions, we're able to talk openly about what happened to the baby without any problem. But other times I can't even think about him/it without tearing up! Sometimes the hurt is buried beneath the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes it subsides enough to push it aside and smile and laugh with my kids and friends, but sometimes, no matter how hard I try, the grief lurks just below the surface waiting for something, ANYthing to trigger the waterworks. How can you explain to a child that grief comes and goes, but doesn't really disappear? I would say that one day they'll understand, but as a mom, my hope would be that they never do!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
So... What happened?!
Well, tomorrow marks 4 weeks since Gabriel's birth. Coincidentally, it's also my 29th birthday. Well, it is what it is and so I think I'll finally get around to sharing my story with you to commemorate the occasion...
I'd had a rather uneventful pregnancy up to my 16 week appt (which was actually closer to 17 weeks) at which point my bp was a little high. Not scary-high, just borderline. We know his heart was still beating at that point, because it was easy to find with the doppler & I had an ultrasound to find out his sex (boy! ;)) The only other issue I'd had was my Vitamin D levels were on the low side (also not a huge concern) I'm almost certain I was 17 weeks and either 3 or 4 days when his heart stopped because that's when I felt like something was wrong. Monday I felt like something was a little off. My husband was out of town, so I called to tell him my concerns, and he reassured me best he could. I hadn't felt any movement for a while, but it was still pretty early, so that wasn't a huge red flag. Tuesday morning I still felt like something was strange, so I pulled out my home doppler and tried to find his hb and couldn't! I had no unusual symptoms to speak of- no cramping, no bleeding, no anything. As a matter of fact, if anything, I had fewer symptoms than usual! I tried again later, and again the next morning. Still nothing. I was trying not to panic (especially since I knew it wouldn't have done any good...) Anyway, I had an appointment first the next morning (Thursday) to have my bp checked. That's when it was confirmed that there was no heartbeat. I did add a page with my whole story, so if you would like to read it in it's entirety you can go here (please be aware that it is fairly detailed and includes pictures of Gabriel).
Here is what I posted on FB that day:
"This may be too much information for some of you, but I feel like a one time explanation would be preferable over having to tell everyone individually. So, here goes... I went in for a routine bp check this morning and discovered the baby had no heartbeat. I am just over 17 weeks [I was actually right at 18 weeks... not sure what I was thinking...] I can't explain it exactly, but I already knew. As soon as I suspected a problem I prayed for two things. 1) If this was His will that I would be allowed sufficient warning so I wouldn't be surprised and 2) That I would have the chance to get things taken care of w/out surgery. As always, I am consistently reminded of the tender mercies of the Lord. Last night I received a blessing that was exactly what I need to hear. Not what I wanted, but what I needed. I cried most of the night because I *knew*. Then at the Dr. (although I did have to wait a crazy long time) everyone was very gentle and sweet and there was nobody in the waiting room when I left, which was strangely comforting. We are currently at the hospital with the nicest possible nurse (who will be here all night) in the process of being induced so I can avoid a D&E. And lastly, a miscarriage has always been top on my list of fears. I truly feel that a miscarriage at any point in my life prior to now would have completely crippled me, but at this point in my life I feel like it is (at very least) manageable. Graig and I are both holding up alright, but prayers would be greatly appreciated."
This is my post from later that day:
"Thought I'd better give y'all a quick update. We're still at the hospital, but all done and just waiting for discharge. Gabriel Travis Daniels was born at 2:08 weighing 3.9 oz and measuring 7" long. It's been a rough day to say the least, but I'm thankful for all the little things that made it just a tad bit easier. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers."
So, what happened?? Honestly, we don't know. They're were no signs of an infection, no signs of a cord accident, and no obvious signs of any deformities. They did do some genetic tests, but we won't know the results for a little while, yet. I think I would be more surprised if thy did find something than if they didn't. I have decided that I am at peace with the understanding that this was the plan for us at this time. Don't get me wrong... there will always be a piece missing from my heart, but I have chosen to be grateful that this has been as gentle an experience as it could've been. Well, considering the circumstances...
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