I have read countless articles about miscarriage, causes, coping with miscarriage, talking about it and more! I'm not sure how to even go about picking one, but I knew right away it had to be something from "Lost Innocents", a site I came across many months ago... Long before I could have possibly known what was going to happen. Matushka Anna (who's site this is) does a lovely job of being direct and to the point, but still gentle. She and I differ slightly in our faith, but I haven't found that to matter much in my reading. I am one who likes to have as much information as possible to feel at least semi in control of a situation and she gives a lot of good information. I really felt like happening upon her blog before I needed it was yet another way the Lord was gently preparing me for what was to come. I love that she incorporates actual pictures and actual stories. Here is a great post/article about picking up the pieces after a loss. She covered all the big things that had crossed my mind after I lost Gabriel and she did it with a grace and gentleness I so appreciated.

At 17 1/2 weeks of pregnancy I began to suspect something was wrong. The next day, at my Dr.'s appointment, my worst fears were confirmed. They couldn't find my baby's heartbeat. This was the beginning of a journey that we were NOT expecting. This is an account of my journey, both to help me continue with my life & to remember my little angel, Gabriel. I also hope to be able to give some insight and encouragement to those going through a loss, like others' have helped me!
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