Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Doctor, doctor... (New MTHFR regimen)

I went to a new dr. yesterday who is very familiar w/ MTHFR (which is good...you can read more about that here, if you'd like) and she started me on a new regimen.  The good news: I was *totally* on the right track with all of my bp research before I found out about the MTHFR!  I had purchased and was taking folic acid, b12, and CoQ10.  The bad news? The MTHFR causes me not to process the synthetic forms of these supplements!  She rx'd methyl folate (a broken down form of folic acid), methyl b12, and ubiquinol (an advanced form of coq10)!  Crazy.  She also rx'd b12 *injections*!  YIKES!  I'm supposed to self-administer them 3x/week.  Ha!   Those of you who know me know how I am with needles!  This Dr. actually has the same MTHFR mutation as me, and she said the oral supplements didn't have a "clinical" affect for her, and that the injections are much better, so... I guess I'll try it!  Haven't tried it yet, we'll see if I can do it... Wish me luck!


  1. I'm sure Tammy would LOVE to jab you 3 x week!!! :) Good luck with that -- and let me know how it affects your BP!

    1. Haha, Karen! ;). Believe it or not, she actually didn't seem too interested. LOL! I did do it this morning and it wasn't *nearly* as bad as I thought it would be ;). It did leave a really bright pink spot at the injection site! Someone I've been chatting w/ on an MTHFR support group said it's probably because I did it too close to the surface. LOL!
