Sunday, September 29, 2013

Little things...

Amazing how sometimes the little things can get to ya... Like apple seeds!  I was cutting up my nighttime snack, an apple, and a seed fell out.  Doesn't seem like anything significant but when I found out I was pregnant I started tracking the baby's size as compared to fruits/ veggies.  I'm sure you've seen that... Seeds, berries, lime, orange, etc...  Well, when I first started around 5 weeks he was about the size of an apple seed.

I pulled a seed out of an apple so I'd have something tangible to compare to :).  I "watched" as he grew to the size of a sweet pea, blueberry, then a raspberry!  I saw his growth reach the size of a lime and then an orange, then an avacado!  By the time we learned of his passing he had grown to the approximate size of a sweet potato!

From an apple seed to a sweet potato in a matter of 3 short months! INCREDIBLE!  And had he lived, he would've tripled in length and gained a whopping 25 times his weight in the next 5 1/2 months!!  The heartbreak of losing him hasn't diminished in any way the miracle of it all.  It never ceases to amaze me!

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