Well, tomorrow marks 4 weeks since Gabriel's birth. Coincidentally, it's also my 29th birthday. Well, it is what it is and so I think I'll finally get around to sharing my story with you to commemorate the occasion...
I'd had a rather uneventful pregnancy up to my 16 week appt (which was actually closer to 17 weeks) at which point my bp was a little high. Not scary-high, just borderline. We know his heart was still beating at that point, because it was easy to find with the doppler & I had an ultrasound to find out his sex (boy! ;)) The only other issue I'd had was my Vitamin D levels were on the low side (also not a huge concern) I'm almost certain I was 17 weeks and either 3 or 4 days when his heart stopped because that's when I felt like something was wrong. Monday I felt like something was a little off. My husband was out of town, so I called to tell him my concerns, and he reassured me best he could. I hadn't felt any movement for a while, but it was still pretty early, so that wasn't a huge red flag. Tuesday morning I still felt like something was strange, so I pulled out my home doppler and tried to find his hb and couldn't! I had no unusual symptoms to speak of- no cramping, no bleeding, no anything. As a matter of fact, if anything, I had fewer symptoms than usual! I tried again later, and again the next morning. Still nothing. I was trying not to panic (especially since I knew it wouldn't have done any good...) Anyway, I had an appointment first the next morning (Thursday) to have my bp checked. That's when it was confirmed that there was no heartbeat. I did add a page with my whole story, so if you would like to read it in it's entirety you can go here (please be aware that it is fairly detailed and includes pictures of Gabriel).
Here is what I posted on FB that day:
"This may be too much information for some of you, but I feel like a one time explanation would be preferable over having to tell everyone individually. So, here goes... I went in for a routine bp check this morning and discovered the baby had no heartbeat. I am just over 17 weeks [I was actually right at 18 weeks... not sure what I was thinking...] I can't explain it exactly, but I already knew. As soon as I suspected a problem I prayed for two things. 1) If this was His will that I would be allowed sufficient warning so I wouldn't be surprised and 2) That I would have the chance to get things taken care of w/out surgery. As always, I am consistently reminded of the tender mercies of the Lord. Last night I received a blessing that was exactly what I need to hear. Not what I wanted, but what I needed. I cried most of the night because I *knew*. Then at the Dr. (although I did have to wait a crazy long time) everyone was very gentle and sweet and there was nobody in the waiting room when I left, which was strangely comforting. We are currently at the hospital with the nicest possible nurse (who will be here all night) in the process of being induced so I can avoid a D&E. And lastly, a miscarriage has always been top on my list of fears. I truly feel that a miscarriage at any point in my life prior to now would have completely crippled me, but at this point in my life I feel like it is (at very least) manageable. Graig and I are both holding up alright, but prayers would be greatly appreciated."
This is my post from later that day:
"Thought I'd better give y'all a quick update. We're still at the hospital, but all done and just waiting for discharge. Gabriel Travis Daniels was born at 2:08 weighing 3.9 oz and measuring 7" long. It's been a rough day to say the least, but I'm thankful for all the little things that made it just a tad bit easier. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers."
So, what happened?? Honestly, we don't know. They're were no signs of an infection, no signs of a cord accident, and no obvious signs of any deformities. They did do some genetic tests, but we won't know the results for a little while, yet. I think I would be more surprised if thy did find something than if they didn't. I have decided that I am at peace with the understanding that this was the plan for us at this time. Don't get me wrong... there will always be a piece missing from my heart, but I have chosen to be grateful that this has been as gentle an experience as it could've been. Well, considering the circumstances...
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