Thursday, September 26, 2013

My necklace

It's been several days since I last posted, and I feel terribly guilty about it! I know I shouldn't... I've been keeping busy and I intended all along to taper off my blogging so it wasn't everyday.  But I'm still feeling reluctant to let go in any way of my boy.  There have been many moments where I just wish I could hold him again, touch him, know that he's real!  I will never forget him, but I feel like I'm already forgetting things about him and it's only been almost 6 weeks. SIX weeks?! It seems like the past 6 weeks have been a lifetime, and yet gone in a moment!  Well, there I go rambling again!  The reason I started to write was to show you a lovely gift I got in the mail today!

Isn't that neat!  I came across this organization a couple of weeks ago called August Wings.  Along with selling hand stamped jewelry, they provide necklaces, free of charge, to bereaved parents.  One side is for you to wear, and the other is to put with your baby or in your memory box (as I have). I think this is a wonderful idea!  I am currently exploring the art of hand stamped jewelry myself, and hope to be able to do something similar in the future.  You can find the link to their site here under "Memorial & Remembrance Items"  Thank you, August Wings!  I love it!


  1. I saw your post on Capture your Grief. Beautiful baby. I'm sorry for your loss. I've lost 3 babies and My 3rd has the middle name of Gabriel.

    1. Thank you, Julie, and the same to you. Gabriel's a lovely name, isn't it?! And so fitting for our angels... :)
